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Exercise Science & Sports Technology

Under the guidance of professional staff, students will: 

  • Prepare students for sports medicine, health care, and kinesiology careers. 

  • Students will learn medical terminology, safety procedures, nutritional facts, first aid, CPR and basic anatomy, and kinesiology. 

  • They will learn theories of building exercise & rehabilitation programs, emergency care, injury recognition, and prevention, along with overall mental and physical health wellness.



Computer Science
Human Services
Agriculture, Life & Health Services
Advanced Manufacturing
Arts & Creative Design
School to Work Program (Co-op)
Career Launch Program
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Units of Study

  • Organizational and Professional Health and Wellbeing
  • Documentation, Legal and Ethical Issues
  • Emergency Care And Infection Control
  • Injury Prevention And Protection
  • Treatment, Rehabilitation, And Clinical Skills
  • Nutrition And Hydration
  • Exercise Science And Prescription
  • Human Development And Mental Health
  • Medical Terminology
  • Anatomy, Physiology, And Pathophysiology


Exercise Science & Sports Technology students earn the following certifications in high school:

  • Pennsylvania Skills Certificate (NOCTI)
  • AED, CPR, and First Aid
  • Personal Training Certification (ACSM)
  • CareerSafe OSHA Certification for Healthcare workers
  • Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) Certifications for Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention
  • HIPPA Alliance
  • Blood Borne Pathogens
  • ACSM Personal Trainers

Letters of Recommendation

Industry Salary Ranges

  • Fitness Trainer and Aerobic Instructor: $31,667 median salary
  • Physical Thereapy Technicians - $56,466
  • Coaches - $32,550 to $39,740 
  • Athletic Trainer - $52,043
  • Fitness Manager - $74,828

Career Opportunities

  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Fitness Club Manager
  • Physical Therapy Technician
  • Exercise Specialist
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Holistic Therapy
  • Registered Dietician
  • Occupational Therapy


Instructor:  Peter Braun
Email: pbraun@ubtech.org
Phone: 215-795-2911 x 254